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I came to Turkey for travelling and I want to go abroad leaving my car in Turkey

Old 21-10-2012, 14:31   #1

Varsayılan I came to Turkey for travelling and I want to go abroad leaving my car in Turkey

I'm Bulgarian citizen and I will arrive in Istanbul with my car. After that I'll fly abroad for 8 days (tourist purpose) and fly back to Turkey.
In Ataturk airport internet site I find this: "Passengers traveling abroad and having vehicles with foreign license plates should leave their cars to the Customs Free Zone as per the Customs Legislations".

As a Bulgarian citizen I can stay in Turkey without visa 90 days for period of 6 months and according to this I think that there is no problem to leave my car on the airport parking for 8 days of these 90 days.
Please explain do I need to leave my car on the Customs free zone or I can fly abroad as every normal person.

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