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what happens if i cant pay for medical expenses

Old 03-11-2010, 23:46   #1

Varsayılan what happens if i cant pay for medical expenses

my mother and father are both ex pats in turkey, with residency. recently my father had a massive stroke, with no chance of survial, but is still on life support in the local nhs type hospital. my mother has recently had to pay two big bills for his treatment and now the money that they have is running out.
what happens when the money does run out, and what if anything can my mother do? where does she stand legally and whats the worst case scenario
many thanks in advance
Old 04-11-2010, 14:09   #2
Levent Cirit


Does your father have any social security or any private health insurance? And what did you mean with "ex pats"?
Old 04-11-2010, 14:22   #3


By ex pat I mean he lives in turkey full time now.
No he doesnt have any private health care,
But before he retired he had fully paid up his national
Insurance contributions back in the uk.
Old 20-11-2010, 23:00   #4
Evren Osman


Dear Sir,

Actually for answering your question we need to know which country you and your father from

After learning this information we should check from our social security institution if there is any agreement between your social security institution and our instituion.
if there is a agreement your father can have health services in Turkey
ı have mail address of social security service manager of istanbul ıf you want ı can ask him after you inform me

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