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Foreign Lawyers in Turkey

Old 30-01-2002, 16:58   #1

Varsayılan Foreign Lawyers in Turkey

I am a law student in the US, and my husband is Turkish. At some point
after I finish school here, we intend to move to Turkey. Is it possible for
an American lawyer to find employment in Turkey, as a lawyer or
otherwise? Would I ever be able to practice law in Turkey, and what
further education would I need (besides Turkish lessons )?
Old 30-01-2002, 16:59   #2
Turkish Lawyer


According to Turkish Lawyers Act, you have to be a Turkish Citizen so as
to work as a lawyer in Turkey. You will not encounter any problem with
this, since you're married to a Turkish Citizen. You will be accepted to
Turkish Citizenship if you appeal.

However this is not enough. In your case (foreign law school) you have to
work in your country for at least 4 years as a lawyer, judge or prosecuter.
Well this is still not enough:

Then you have to accomplish exams of Turkish law lessons that you have
not taken in your native law school. Well this would mean nearly ALL
class' as Turkish Law system is quite different than US system. If you
graduated from a European Law school (except British), then you wouldnt
have much problems with that either.

And at last you must be fluent in Turkish; this will be tested as well.

Shortly, it doesnt seem of much possibility for a foreign US law school
graduate to work as a lawyer in Turkey. But there are some foreign law
firms in Turkey and you may have a chance to work in there as a foreign
law advisor.

And my .5 cents : Why dont you guys stay in US? Millions of Turkish
people are trying to go and work in USA and it doesnt seem logical for
anyone to try to come and work in Turkey if he has a chance to work in
US. Just my humble opinion.
Old 09-03-2003, 16:56   #3


Hello I need to speak to a Turkish lawyer.
Please email

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