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Medical System - Who Helps The Poor?

Old 27-01-2003, 18:33   #1
Medical Questionner

Varsayılan Medical System - Who Helps The Poor?

Please tell me what recourse, if any, is available to someone who needs surgery in Turkey but has no medical coverage and no money. In this case the doctors are asking for 4 250 000 000 for a hand operation. Thank you.
Old 28-01-2003, 00:18   #2
Armağan Konyalı


Dear Medical Questioner,

He/she can appeal to (Kaymakamlık) the head official of his/her district. (Sosyal Dayanışma Fonu) The Social Solidarity Fund is founded for such cases.

Yours respectfully
Old 28-02-2003, 23:52   #3
needs surgery

Varsayılan still wondering - medical care for the poor

Thank you for this information. The person went to find out about this but was told he can only get help if he has a house, which he does not. Is there anywhere else he can get help? Thank you.
Old 01-03-2003, 15:18   #4
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar

Varsayılan free medical care in turkey


According to the law numbered 3816 and named "the law about the meeting of the medical expenses of those lacking the ability of payment by the state through issuing a green card"(Ödeme Gücü Olmayan Vatandaşların Tedavi Giderlerinin Yeşil Kart Verilerek Devlet Tarafından Karşılanması Hakkında Kanun)

-the turkish citizens
-those are resident in Turkey
-and who are not under the shelter of a social security fund and below the given income

shall benefit from the free medical care through applying to the province office(valilik) or the district administration(kaymakamlık) to be granted for a "green card".

If these said conditions were met one should undoubtedly acquire the green card.On the contrary, the administration may be sued before the administrative court on the illegality of the decision.If the person lacks the stipulations then,unfortunately, no further steps can be taken.

perhaps the relevant charities may offer aid.
Old 02-03-2003, 01:35   #5
needs surgery


Thank you kindly for the additional information.

The person in question is aged 17 and his father works in a pharmacy for part of the year. Would that render him ineligible for this "green card"? He was told this was an impediment to having social assistance for his medical needs. Are pharmacies all government run or controlled? The father has no money either, only works part of the year and has 12 other children.

Also, the initial injury happened at work but the person was underage and not registered, as I understand many workers in Turkey are not, therefore not insured. Is there any recourse available with that in mind?

I don't understand the system very well. Thank you for any help with these questions. This young man could lose the use of his right hand if the underlying injury goes untreated.
Old 02-03-2003, 17:23   #6
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


Dear questionner
As far as your last message is concerned, the "green card" act seems irrelevant with the person 'cause the applicant should not be under the coverage of a social security fund.
If the father works for a pharmacy- that means he is socially secured- then his family who are being supported by him are under the social guarantee of the social insurance system. Maybe that was claimed by the administration as a preventive reason for not being eligible for green card.As a result the injured person may seek medical care at the hospitals of social security(SSK).

You have mentioned that he is also a worker and the accident has taken place during the course of work then he may also take advantage of the social security regardless of being registered.The social security Act lays in the Art. 10 that the occupational accident or disease should be treated freely by the State'social fund even before the registration.

-------I assume the person needs an immediate action.If the social security institutions pose bureacratic problems on the application he may seek aid by another hospital.The expenditure expected to be made for the operation should be compensated by the SSK after the operation.

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