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Foreign Lawyers in Turkey

Old 30-01-2002, 16:56   #1

Varsayılan Foreign Lawyers in Turkey

I read your answer to the American to-be lawyer (why come to Turkey -
because it's one of the loveliest countries on Earth - and I've seen about
20 different, including US), and noticed that you answer that European
lawyers will not have as many problems as American.

If one is graduated from a European university with a master's degree,
has worked as legal advisor (musavir), university teacher and attorney
(not in court, but in government office) for 4 years in all in one's own
country + has taken lessons on phd (doktora)-level in Turkey (an thus of
course is fluent in Turkish + knows some things about Turkish law), can
one then hope to be allowed to practise in Turkey, provided one takes
Turkish citizenship?
Old 30-01-2002, 16:56   #2


Yep.. Provided that you:
1- possess Turkish Citizenship
2- have experience as a lawyer/attorney in your native country
3- Fluent in Turkish
4- complete Turkish Law classes that you've not taken in your law school,
you can practise law in Turkey as a lawyer.

Though still not agree with you about favourableness of practising law in
Turkey if you have a chance to pursue your carreer in any other country.
Anyway thanks for your nice comment.

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