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Personal İnjury Claims...

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Old 10-12-2004, 10:48   #1

Önemli Personal İnjury Claims...

An UK citizien,while being in vacations in Fethiye,Turkey,has been caughed by an object protruding from the back of a track
owned by a private company.As result,he has been dragged 20 ft
along the road by the track and he has suffred quite severe injuries to his arm;2 fractured fingers and a ligament,etc...upon his return to UK.It is possible that he may never recover full use of the hand which fortunately was not his dominate hand as he is left handed.This person wishes to pursue a personal injury claim.
Which is the proper law about personal injury claims and what must be proved for a claim to be successful?
In order to have the defendant pay the client's cost,should the
client's claim be successful?
I would appreciate a lot your help.
Thanks and regards
Old 10-12-2004, 23:21   #2


Hello ..
upon Turkish Code of Obligations, one who claims compensation for damages, should bring out his case before the court of justice
with the material evidences . That are
1- The damage suffered should be proven with proper substancial evidences such as medical reports, expert reports regarding the percentage of the organ loss, police reports , Judgement of the criminal court, some documents determining the income of the plaintiff, etc ..
2- Causality between the action and damage.

Once, the precence of the damage and the relation between the damage and the petpetrator is proven , he can claim indemnification both for substancial and emotional distress causes of course..
emotinal distress claim is to be on reasonable grounds and i must mention that compensation amount with respect to emotional distress is not that much in US or UK ..


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