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Meslektaşların Soruları Hukukçu meslektaşların hukuki nitelikte sorularını birbirlerine yöneltecekleri mesleki yardımlaşma forumu. SADECE hukuk fakültesi mezunları ile hukuk profesyonellerinin (bilirkişi, icra müdürü vb.) yazışmasına açıktır. [Yeni Soru Sorun]

ingilizce vekaletname örneği

Konu Notu: 5 oy, 5,00 ortalama. Değerlendirme: Konu İçinde Arama Konu Araçları  
Old 22-01-2007, 11:47   #1

Acil ingilizce vekaletname örneği

Merhaba, yurt dışı bağlantılı bir iş için ingilizce genel vekaletname örneği gerekiyor. Eğer elinde olan ve paylaşmak isteyen arkadaşlarımız olursa sevinirim. İyi haftalar...
Old 22-01-2007, 13:41   #2


sanırım bu işinize yarar, word belgesi ekli gönderemedim siz gerekli ayarlamaları yaparsınız artık

kolay gelsin

GUARANTOR: .................................................. .
.................................................. .
.................................................. .

ATTORNEY: Teksoy Uluslararasi Ticari Alacak ve Risk
Yonetimi, Danismanlik Ltd. Sti.
Boran Caddesi Zartel ishani No.24/5 Alsancak/İzmir

We do hereby authorize Teksoy Uluslararasi Ticari Alacak ve Risk Yonetimi Danismanlik Ltd. Sti. (Registered in Alsancak Vergi Dairesi 9670087489-IZMIR), registered at Izmir, Turkey to act jointly and separately as true and lawful attorneys of our Company in connection with all kinds of actions, litigation, investigations, application and all legal and administrative proceedings before Turkish Courts, Court Bailiff’s, Bankruptcy Offices, governmental or administrative bodies or agencies and Directorates, all in all capacities and by all means, perform any and all kinds of formalities and operations they shall deem fit and necessary for the protection of our Company’s rights and interests, file actions, intervene in proceedings, renounce and accept claims, prepare, sign, submit, execute and finalize petitions, pleadings, motions, briefs, applications and the other necessary documents, all kinds of attachments, precautionary attachments and measures to be granted and lifted, whether as a plaintiff, defendant, claimant, debtor, third party, intervener, accused or in any similar status whatsoever. In this regard, the attorney is hereby authorized to pursue all my legal affairs whether or not involving litigation; to exercise all powers granted in general; as subject to our prior consent come to compromise, sign arbitration or any kinds of agreements, withdraw from actions and accept the withdrawal of the actions, send and receive notifications, collect and cash our Company’s receivables, take, alter, cancel and reject legal measures, reply all kinds of petitions, submit evidence and call witnesses, request clarification and revision of judgements, appeal to higher courts and withdraw from this rights, attend hearings at courts and Supreme Courts, request the correction of decisions and re-examination of judgments, present, call or reject witnesses, experts and arbitrators, challenge and reject judges and clerks, accept or make objections to the expertise reports, determine the evidences, to pursue enforcement proceedings, draw all kinds of protest notes and reply to the same, request exequatur enforcement of foreign court decisions, request court decision to exclude us from appearance at hearings, request amendment of claims and defences, transfer this power of attorney to third parties in full or part and revoke such transfer.

On behalf of (Please insert here the full name of the Company)

City: ………………… Date: …………………



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