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Wills and Probate

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Old 26-11-2008, 20:28   #1

Varsayılan Wills and Probate

My mother and Step Father in law emigrated to Northern Cyprus some 4 years ago. They bought a plot of land (approx 1 Donum)and built a house via a local builder 3 years ago. My mother in law died in November 2007 and her husband has always maintained that there is no last will and testament.

The house and land were both bought with my mother in laws money - retirement and redundancy monies. My father in law claims that the house is not fully paid for as there is still outstanding remedial work which the builder has not completed.

We are now concerned that he may be able to sell the property and my wife and her brother will be left with nothing of her legacy, particularly as he has asked my wife to sign over the power of eterny, supposedly in relation to the sale of her car.

We would like to know how we stand in terms of the property and land in Northern Cyprus. My father in law does NOT have entitlement to residency as far as we are aware.

Please can you help. Thank you.

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Wills Query. Mark Turkish Law 0 21-02-2005 00:28

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