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International Child Abduction

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Old 09-07-2002, 12:24   #1

Varsayılan International Child Abduction

How does the Turkish courts deal with international child abduction cases and orders by the US courts for return of abducted children? Is Turkey a state that has ratified the Hague Convention? As a background, I've recently discovered that my former spouse, a Turkish and naturalized US citizen, intends to move back to Turkey with my 3 year old daughter. As ordered by a US court in our divorce, we have joint custody of our daughter with my former spouse being the custodial parent. My child and I are both US citizens by birth. If my spouse does abduct my child, do I have legal standing to compel the return of my child to her native country.
Old 12-07-2002, 11:31   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar

Varsayılan abduction of juvenile

Turkey is a signor of both the UN Convention on Child rights and The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and
Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, however as ı remember US is not a party of the former and anyway the latter is in question for a minority of European Countries.

An order decreed by a US court may be claimed for its implementation(tenfiz) or it may have as a minimum nature of a strict evidence(tanıma) for a suit to be filed here in Turkey Courts,as far as it is in conformity with the public order in Turkey and the other requirements put down by the obligatory norms.

Child abduction, whether national or transnational, is not permitted in Turkey ,as it should be so in a developing country which is in an ongoing process of democratization and internationalization as well as harmonization of norms with European democracy and way of thought.

Old 16-07-2002, 10:15   #3


Thank you for the information.
Old 10-03-2003, 18:52   #4


I have similiar situation. I'm Turkish citizen who lives in US. I have 4 months old son and my US citizen wife threatens me to take the full custody of child and have me deported from the country(My green card is conditional right now). If I take my son and come back to Turkey do I have any rights on him
Old 21-03-2008, 23:26   #5


My niece is married to a Turkish man and has an 8 month old daughter. The marriage has broken down, so she returned to England with the baby, but went back over to Turkey to colect her belongings with her daughter and her mother for support. Since arriving it has turned very ugly. He has physically assulted the mother of his wife and abducted the baby from them. His family is looking after the baby he is not. He has only allowed his wife to see the baby for an hour in the last 3 days and the baby is not well.

What advice can you give to us to help her get her daughter back safely?
Old 23-03-2008, 16:42   #6

Varsayılan divorce

Hi: i found out my turkish husband has another wife in Turkey, he married her when he went on vacation there alone. Our marriage which was first and took place in the US is legal, his Turkish marriage is not.

I will be divorcing in Turkey and registered the marriage through embassy to prove I'm the legal wife. No lawyers are involved yet, but he has received a letter from TUrkish authorities and has to appear in court.

What will happen to him, will he go to jail even if I don't want to prosecute him for bigamy?. I was told to register marriage in order to divorce, but was assured he would not go to jail. I am very afraid now because I think I might get hurt by this, please help me with any information you can. thank you.
Old 27-07-2011, 02:49   #7

Varsayılan child custody

I have question, I have a child, who is US citizen, I would like to take my kid to turkey for visit however mom won't let me to take him to turkey by court order, i want to go back to court, but I just don't want go out to court and not prepared. I have other discusssions to make in the court about child custody but my main concern is visiting turkey with my kid.
Is there any documentation that I can show in court that turkey don't let child abduction. how can I prove in the US court that I am not going to do such a thing? I do have financial stability and investment in US and I live in US, pretty soon be citizen as well, I can show all these but I need to show something solid in the court that turkey wont do let child abduction.
This is not a case that i can do such a thing or not it's about showing the facts that it can't be done by turkish law.
Any advice greatly appriciated.

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