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turkish civil code

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Old 21-04-2007, 10:34   #1

Soru turkish civil code

hi from geogia
how can i get the informaton about turkish civil code in Eng?
about its history, or the process of adoption ...
i very need it for my homework..
Old 22-04-2007, 12:05   #2
yargıç isa

Kitap .......

I think so; you want to get information about The New Turkish Civil Code which has inured in 2002, don't you?
If you tell clearly how you want information about civil code, i can help you.

Some informatin are as follows.(an internet address and article) You may find something for homework. Look them but If you want another information, i can help you.

The Civil Code

Changes of 2001 to the Turkish Civil Code, the first major modifications since the reception of the Code from Switzerland in 1926 (published in the Official Gazette on December 8, 2001 and available at in Turkish, with highlights in English at constitute an important recognition of fundamental social change. Amendments include provisions establishing equality of spouses in the family, removal of designation of the husband as head of the household, recognition of equal inheritance rights to children born out of wedlock, and recognition of adopted children as equal family members. Ardently defended by nationalists and religious conservatives, the previous separation of property regime for marital assets (strengthened in its effects by the practice of putting title to all property in the husband's name), has been replaced as a default regime with one which accords the spouses equal shares in property acquired during the marriage (in effect for property acquired after Jan. 1, 2003). Such changes affect only those marriages entered into after the law comes into effect, however. Rules regarding foreign-currency mortgages have also been made less restrictive.

Other news on family law: in the first case after Turkey's joined the Hague Convention on the Abduction of Children, a court in the southern Turkish city of Mersin awarded custody of a child born to a Turkish father to the English mother, in keeping with the Convention principle that children be returned to their country of habitual residence.


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