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building law

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Old 30-08-2007, 13:34   #1

Mutsuz building law

Hello :
I have a problem that may concern a few English who visit this site and need some clarity.
I bought a loverly Duplex in Bodrum with great sea views and was told the very small piece of land in front cannot be built on, yet this very small piece of land has a new building going up. I have enquired that the new building must be 3meters away from the boundries of the adjacent buildings and 5 meters away from the road, also as it is a Triplex it must be 3½ meters below road level, yet this new building is very close to the next buildings even stopping light to windows and very close to road and clearly not to these sizes. I have asked the local Beledere to please come to check as the builder is very agressive and really doing what he pleases, I thought there was a ban on building from May - Oct yet he continues to make noise and mess yet the Beledere know we are on an 'English site' and refuse to come. I have place a written Turkish complaint asking the Beledere to please check and still they refuse to come. I have been told the Beledere must re-ply to written letters of any nature but again as we are English they refuse too !!.
This building now is to the level of my terrace and had an unsusal roof terrace parapit design which blocked all the view. I agreed with the builder to change this and paid him £300 to at least give me some view back, which he did so now minimal views and all was well, but now they are putting up solor power heating which is directly in front of my terrace obliterating all my veiw. So please is they any way of insisting the beledere act - to please check the building - and the approval of building permission. Any response would be very gratefully recieved.
many thanks
Old 02-09-2007, 21:09   #2


It is contrary to provisions of civil law. You have right to sue claiming the need of removal of disturbing structures
Old 03-09-2007, 10:26   #3


you can ask your municipality(BELEDİYE) if that building having a permision or not. we have an ACT (right to information). acording to this act(law) you can ask that builging is legal or illegal and your municipality(belediye) must response. if they not response your ask you can go court or publıc presecutor. i can recomended in your aplication you should ask that building if having construction in that permision or not.
if that building have a permision then you should sue
Old 07-09-2007, 21:45   #4

Varsayılan dear stacy

As having been lived in the UK for half a year and before that practiced as an attorney in Turkey for three years i reckon that the regulations are quite simillar to each other in two countries. I also got it after being worked in an inventory clerk company ın the UK. I am sure you know the new regulations in the UK which enacted after first of April. I recomend u to check them. Bordum is a nice town, at least better then mine (Bournemouth)

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