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Family Bussiness????

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Old 31-01-2005, 20:47   #1

Varsayılan Family Bussiness????

we are an english family, husband, wife and 2 daughters. 20 years old and 16 1/2 years. we have seen a 10 bedroomed hotel that we are intrested in, can you give me some information on what would be needed to have this as a family business, ie -would we all be allowed work permits, what turkish regulations are they on opening and running a small bed and breakfast, there is a small pool also with it.

i would be grateful for as much information as possible on opening a bed and breakfast hotel.
thank you
Old 01-02-2005, 16:48   #2
Dr.Öykü Didem Aydın

Varsayılan Ynt: Family Bussiness????

Hi Carol,

I guess, I had replied earlier on. I am repating:

I have just given you a short answer, and I would like to add something to that:

Foreign enterprises that would like to invest in the tourism sector in Turkey are subject to the "Foreign Investment Law" together with the "Law on Promotion of Tourism"

Before the former law got amended, it stipulated that the investment by a foreign enterprise had to be profitable and beneficial to the development of tourism in Turkey. Investors needed to file an application before the Undersecretariat of Treasury first, in order to obtain a "Permit and Encouragement Certificate" for investment. This certificate was a document that allowed the establishment of a company in Turkey and information on the participation of foreign capital. It was also possible to obtain an indication for the state aid measures to be gained upon the realization of the project. Upon receipt of the "Permit and Encouragement Certificate", a foreign investor could receive all the privileges and state aid measures provided to local investors.

The new investment law, which is more liberal does not even require a formal application before the mentioned Undersecreteriat but as I know from the practice, The Undersecreteriat has still been playing a significant role in foreign investment issues, and an array of procedures are still being held valid even after the passage of the new law. So, it seems that what I have written in the previous section still remains valid. Perhaps, the best way for you here would be to initiate an inquiry before this institution: Contact competent authorities at <> or <>

This said, residence and visa requirements will be dependent upon the decision on your investment plans.

Bed & Breakfast is also subject to the same regulations.

On the other hand, you may directly buy the hotel in Turkey. The relevant transaction is required to be competed before the Office for Title Deeds.

According to the provisions of the Civil Code, every piece of real estate will be recorded in the title deed register of the place where it is located. The title deed is the official document which shows who has ownership rights over the real estate and upon which the owner's name and photograph appears.

Ownership of real estate by foreigners in Turkey is governed in general by the principles of political and de facto reciprocity. GB national may purchase and own real estate in Turkey.

According to the provisions of Title Deed Law no.2664, enacted 22 December 1934, a foreigner may purchase real estate in Turkey in keeping with the restricting provisions of this law which is the necessity to obtain permission from the General Directorate of Title Deeds, Cadaster and Military.


Dr. Didem Aydın

Associate Professor, Attorney at Law

Alıntı yapılan mesajın sahibi: Konuk
we are an english family, husband, wife and 2 daughters. 20 years old and 16 1/2 years. we have seen a 10 bedroomed hotel that we are intrested in, can you give me some information on what would be needed to have this as a family business, ie -would we all be allowed work permits, what turkish regulations are they on opening and running a small bed and breakfast, there is a small pool also with it.

i would be grateful for as much information as possible on opening a bed and breakfast hotel.
thank you

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