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Üye İsmi

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Old 30-01-2002, 17:21   #1

Varsayılan Act

Is there an equivalent term for 'Commerce Act' ? Its aim is the prohibition
of anti-competitive behaviour in the market place.
Also, 'Consumer Guarantees Act' , monitoring the quality of consumer
goods & services.
I could only find 'Tuketiciyi Koruma Hakkinda Kanun'.
Both of these Acts are administered by the Mi nistry of Consumer Affairs
in New Zealand. But I'd appreciate it if it's possible to find the equivalent
terms in Turkish legislation.
My question comes from an international commerce perspective and I
hope it's useful for everybody.
Old 30-01-2002, 17:21   #2



Turkey has an special act which prohibits anti-competitive behaviour in
the market. It is the "Rekabetin Korunmasi Hakkinda Kanun" and its act
number is 4054. The legislative procedures the act prescribed is very
similiar to those of European Union's. In fact the act was prepared to help
the transition process of Turkey's integration to EU so this is why the
systems are so alike.

As for the 'Consumer Guarantees Act' what you have found out is correct.
"Tuketicinin Korunmasi Hakkinda Kanun" is the equiavalent of this act.

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