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Computer Programs law

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Old 25-07-2009, 01:47   #1

Varsayılan Computer Programs law

What is the status of protection of computer programs and network systems in Turkey? If a Turkish national is harming a global system can we take action against him under the national law?
Old 10-08-2009, 17:51   #2
Cihangir Karabıyık


A.243 of the Turkish Penal Code states that a person who enters a network system without permission shall be penalized with up to one year in prison, or the equivalent judicial fine. If said person blocks or damages the system's operation, he/she shall be sentenced to 1-5 years in prison according to A.244. If this act does not encompass the whole system and only a portion of the data is damaged/destroyed/blocked, or said data is moved elsewhere, or if new data is introduced to the system, the person shall be sentenced to between 6 months and 3 years in prison.

There are other special acts and conditions which may constitute a major crime, thus the penalty may vary depending on the details of your case.

You may report this person to a public prosecutor or a law enforcement officer, and a public action may be initiated under the Turkish law if the preliminary investigation deems it necessary. Please bear in mind that the act of infiltrating a system constitutes a public crime and you needn't (in fact you cannot) personally take action against said person, to which only public prosecutors are entitled under Turkish law. Alternatively, you may take action against him/her in another country, but unless there is an agreement between said country and Turkey, the foreign award is not directly enforcable in Turkey and a new trial must be held under Turkish law.

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