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Legal Age For Adulthood /marriage

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Old 01-01-2005, 00:45   #1

Varsayılan Legal Age For Adulthood /marriage

What is the legal age for girls to marry or for their independence/adulthood?
Old 25-06-2006, 21:51   #3
Av.Armağan ÖZMEN


but if there is special conditions(for example girl is pregnant) judge can decide to allow marriage even she is under the 18.but at least the girl must be (finished) 16 years old.
Old 26-06-2006, 02:40   #4


a girl must be 18 to marry


but if there is special conditions(for example girl is pregnant) judge can decide to allow marriage even she is under the 18.but at least the girl must be 16 years old.

I'm afraid you are both mistaken about the legal marriage age of the partners for having a valid marriage. It's not 18, but 17 that's needed to have been filled before marriage, according to the Turkish civil code(124/1).
Old 28-06-2006, 22:19   #5


The adulthood age according to Turkish civil code is 18 in ordinary.

But a person is also considered as an adult by Turksh law if he/she marries before 18 years old(as i said, the legal marriage age is 17).

A person can be rendered as an adult by the disicion of the court even if he/she is not 18 yet. Three conditions are required for being rendered as an adult by the court: 1)To have been filled 15 years old 2)The will of the person(who wants to be rendered adult) 3)The approval of his/her conservator(parent).

(I think the adulthood age was added after the topic had been opened. Otherwise i would have answered while giving the answer to the question about legal marriage age). I hope i could help sufficiently

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