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school not paying foreign teacher

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Old 19-07-2007, 15:32   #1
tazminat law

Varsayılan school not paying foreign teacher

Is there anything in the Tazminat law that can allow a school not to pay it to a foreign teacher?

What are the clause of this law?
Old 14-08-2007, 14:19   #2
Güvenç Ketenci



'tazminat' means the damage/the compensation in Turkish.
So,the thing is there's no specific 'tazminat law' in Turkish Law.
Regarding your question,
there's no rule as well which prevents institutions not to pay any compensation to foreign teachers(workers) but of course if the situation is in comply within the rules foreseen already in 'labor-law'.
Old 14-08-2007, 15:16   #3
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


The labour act stipulates the worker's compensations, such as severance and/or termination pays.The rules are quite complicated, yet, for instance the law states that the worker cannot claim any compensations if he quits work without depending upon a reasonable ground which was laid down by law.

However, these norms are strict and construed in favor of the worker.

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