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Old 02-04-2007, 21:59   #1

Varsayılan illegal

My living permit expired several years ago. Two little kids and bankrupcy made it impossible to leave Turkey which was neccesary all of a sudden before living permit could be extended. After that it went from bad to worse, no money to pay for visa either which is going up month after month (last time I checked it was about 30 euro per month). It has been 6 years now, paying for visa is getting more difficult with each passing month. I am dead afraid that i get caught somehow, I have two little boys who depend on me. Can you tell me what can happen to me in the worst case if a police decides to check my visa which I don't have, do I have to leave Turkey, can I come back, can I take my kids, what if something happens to my husband......and is there anything to be done about all that money I have to pay now, it is a couple of thousands now. Just because I am Dutch I have to pay much more for a visa than people from other countries, it makes me sad and frustrated.
Old 17-04-2007, 16:47   #2


Yazan Konuk
My living permit expired several years ago. Two little kids and bankrupcy made it impossible to leave Turkey which was neccesary all of a sudden before living permit could be extended. After that it went from bad to worse, no money to pay for visa either which is going up month after month (last time I checked it was about 30 euro per month). It has been 6 years now, paying for visa is getting more difficult with each passing month. I am dead afraid that i get caught somehow, I have two little boys who depend on me. Can you tell me what can happen to me in the worst case if a police decides to check my visa which I don't have, do I have to leave Turkey, can I come back, can I take my kids, what if something happens to my husband......and is there anything to be done about all that money I have to pay now, it is a couple of thousands now. Just because I am Dutch I have to pay much more for a visa than people from other countries, it makes me sad and frustrated.

Dear Guest, please give some more info about the questions below:
Is your husband a Turkish citizen? What is his occupation (his job)? Are you legally married? What kind of visa did you get when you were coming here first? Is your passport an ordinary one? Why do your kids depend on you -are you left alone by your husband-? How old are they? Where were they born? Did you have any work visa here (you mention about a "bankruptcy")?

I hope your answers may exempt you from paying any fee. Otherwise, you will need to pay the visa fees at once while you are leaving Turkiye. If a policeman catches you, then the Administration, in 15 days, will send you a warning to leave the country. If you do not, then you may be deported. In this situation, if you can not afford the payment of all necessary fees, the State shall meet the expenses and send you back to your country. To come back to Turkiye after the decision of deportation, you need to be granted with a "special permission" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The case whether you could take your kids or not might be answered after your reply.

Good luck.
Old 18-04-2007, 21:54   #3


Thank you for your reply. As for your questions:

My husband is a Turkish citizen, he is a tourism guide. We are married for 10 years. We got married in 1996. In 1998 I had my second visa since I was married, I also had, before I got married, both living and temporary working permit in Antalya. The last visa of 1998 got expired in 2000. The bankrupcy was of my husbands brother, it affected us financial, not legal.
I have a normal Dutch passport.
When I say my kids (5 and 7) depend on me I mean I don't have any family or others here to leave them with for a long period. My husband is away from home for days sometimes because of his work. They were born here in Istanbul.
Old 23-04-2007, 18:35   #4


The thing I am really confused on is that why didn't you apply to be a Turkish citizen if you have been married for 10 years? You may know that after 3 year marriage with a Turkish citizen (there are another conditions but you comply with them so don't worry), one can apply to be a Turkish citizen and then has no obligation to pay any fee for anything. Could you please tell me some deeper info on this case? I could evaluate this case to exempt you from the fees, if possible.

Old 25-04-2007, 20:58   #5


The dutch law did not accept dual citizenship so to become turk I should give up my dutch nationality. Some said it is possible now to have double citizenship for dutch and I searched it on internet but could not find a proper answer. As I understand it, turkish can keep their turkish nationality and have a dutch nationality when they live in Holland but when you emigrate and marry and want to take the nationality of your husband, you loose the dutch. Embassy told me when I married that I had to give up dutch nationality when I wanted to take turkish, therefor I did not apply. But reading your reply I googled for a dutch lawyer and asked and I will get an answer tomorrow I hope, if there are any loopholes or not. Dear Sirvan, if you can help me solve this problem I will be forever in debt with you. Because of this I could not go to visit my family and friends for almost 8 years!
Old 25-04-2007, 21:10   #6


Okay, I will NOT loose my Dutch nationality, this law is since 2003 so after I asked the embassy and they replied with no. The law changed and I did not now.........
Old 26-04-2007, 15:51   #7

Varsayılan good news

Dear Guest,

The last news is joyful. It sounded to me a little strange that your country does not allow dual citizenship. Anyway, it seems that the problem is solved now.

However, just in case, I write you my solution to obtain a new residence permit (which is a substitute cover of visa) without paying fee. The Law of Fee, Art. 88 (Foreigners to be granted res. permit without any fee) states that " if the authority that is entitled to grant residence permit decides that the economic conditions of the applicant is insufficient to meet the fees."

You mentioned that your company is bankrupt and you can not afford the payments... If you can prove your condition, then you should not pay any fee for that.

Congrats and have a good weekend.
Old 26-04-2007, 22:08   #8


If I understand it proper this means that if I apply for turkish citizenship they will just forget about the visa fee?

Unfortunately it was not me/us who got bankrupted but my husbands brother and he pulled us along as to paying his debts. We are not on the official bankrupty papers, only brothers name. My husband works as a tourist guide and it is difficult for him to show how much he earns or does not earn, I should talk about that with him.

Thanks so far, full of hope!

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