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Enforcement Of Judgements

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Old 09-11-2002, 19:45   #1

Karar Enforcement Of Judgements

I am looking for information re. enforcement of judgments and subsequent seizure Orders for judgements made by ICC against foreign State. Can a seizure order be issued by any court ? Does selection of court depends on the amount of the judgement ? Should the foreign state be represented in court prior to the court issue of judg.
Old 18-03-2003, 12:01   #2


Your question is not clear enough. If you aim to obtain a seizure decision against a person resident in a foreign state, then you have the examin related state's regulations on foreign arbitration awards enforcement.

On the other if you aim to obtain a seizure decision or a an enforcement decision against a person resident in Turkey then you have to look at the Article 43 of the International Private Law.
Pursuant Article 43 of Turkish International Private Law, a foreign arbitration could be enforced in the Turkish Court of First ınstance choosen by both parties. If there is not such a choice of the Court then nearest Court to the residence oh the defendant will be the Court in charge. Even if ther is not such a Court then (as a last resort) the Court nearest to the immovable property of the defendant will be the Court in charge.
Old 26-11-2005, 17:29   #3


I just been served with court papers to go to instanbul next week. I been sick for some time and my doctor edvises me against me going to Turkey. What can I do in this case. What happens?
Old 26-11-2005, 17:32   #4


Are e-mails and voice mails valid avidance in Turkish courts?

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