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Old 24-05-2009, 10:32   #1

Varsayılan Adoption

I am British my husband is Turkish. My husbands sister and husband died and and my husband adopted their two little girls aged 2 and 4 years old. Unfortunately during the adoption process the dead fathers parents abducted the children and hid them for several weeks. The children were taken to hospital and hysically they were ok. However they were taken to a childrens facility in Istanbul for psychological care, as the grandparents traumatised them
A psychiatrist gave evidence without a proper assessment i.e. not even contacting or talking to us. The judge said the children must stay in the centre until June 28 2009. We were devastated we love the children and the children love us , it is so distressing when we leave the children after a visit. The children cry for us and say dont leave us.
We are thier parents but have no say in their welfare and have no rights. A doctor must sign to relase them
It seems even on June 28 there is no guarantee we can take the children home. My husband is in constant contact with the doctor and his lawyer. It seems money talks!!!
Please help how can we take our children home,we have done nothing wrong. We are educated people who can give these little girls a loving home and a good life.
Old 25-05-2009, 17:31   #2


Dear guest,

A child/the children can barely be adopted by step-parents upon filing a case for this purpose. It's not clear whether you finished the whole legal process in the court since you mentioned that the children were abducted by their grandparents during the adoption process. If there's a verdict of the concerned court as you adopted the children and the custody of them was awarded to you and your husband, you can take the children from the hospital as if they are your biological kids. However, you'll have to wait for the process that the court saw them fit to stay in the hospital for some time due to reasons of health. You can go to the court as demanding to shorten the process in the hospital as well if you prove that they really don't need to stay there any longer.

You have no rights of filing anything in the courts if you weren't awarded of their custodies in a case of adoption, though.

Hope this helps,

Old 12-06-2009, 12:48   #3

Varsayılan Renouncimng Turkish citizenship

Hi ,
Firstly I wopuld really like to thank you for providing a great forum to help foreigners . It is so very much appreciated .
My problem is my daughter has dual nationality.NZ passport (foreign mother) and Turkish Kimlik card (Turkish father). She was born in Turkey but is currently completing her final high school year studies overseas in Australia .
She wants to come back to Turkey to commence university however I have spent months researching and have been told by OSYM & Yok and the various Turkish universities that they will not recognise her high school diploma from Australia and the following rules apply to her.

As her father and I live here and therefore are not classified as foreign Turkish workers she can only start university here in Turkey if ..........

she does the Turkish OSS exam ( she cant do this as she hasn't studies in the Turkish system..or

She renounces her Turkish Citizenship and comes back to Turkey as an International student.

Please see the info I have taken from Bogazici University website as an example of the education laws
A. For Turkish Nationals:
Candidates desiring to enroll at the undergraduate programs of Bogazici University (B.U.) need to take the Student Selection Examination (OSS), conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Center (OSYM). OSYM places candidates according to their scores, the university quotas and their list of choices. Those placed at B.U. gain the right to enroll. Turkish-Cypriots are subject to the same application criteria.

B. For Foreign Nationals:
International candidates carrying high school diplomas with equivalency to those issued in Turkey may apply for admission to the undergraduate programs of B.U. However, the University accepts a limited number of students, placed through the Committee of Higher Education Council in accordance with openings in each department and as outlined in the manual of the Examination for Foreign Students (YOS). Turkish-Cypriots and those holding dual-citizenship with the Republic of Turkey cannot apply to B.U. as international candidates.

I have tried so many times to contact YOK to get more clarification in writing but they also told me on the phone that she will have to sit OSS or renounce her Turkish citizenship !.
This seems reaslly drastic to me for an 18 year old who is proud to be Turkish .

Could you please tell me
1) what are the implications for her if she renounces her Turkish citizenship

2) will she be able to get her Citizenship back once she completes her studies as she intends to live and work and spend her future in Turkey.

The admissions representative at Bogazici University told me that they have had many dual nationality students who have renounced their Turkish nationality and therefore this was no a problem .
I would very much appreciate your advise and recommendations for my daughter as this seems a very drastic approach to getting an education in a country you were born in .
Thank you in advance ,

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