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Held against my will

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Old 01-05-2011, 18:25   #1

Varsayılan Held against my will

Please note: the boyfriend sounds much creepier than he really is. He was very kind, and romantic until I refused to marry him. We had a break-up fight.

When he stopped answering his telephone and answering his e-mails, I drove to his house. It is on the edge of the city, next to a graveyard. All of the neighborhood is under construction.

So I found him, and we were in a room on the second floor, and the conversation was going painfully.

Suddenly he asked "Does anyone else know you are here?" I said, "No." He got up, walked out of the room and locked me in the room.

I had no idea what he meant to do. He had joked a few weeks earlier about "kidnapping" me and keeping me in this apartment. All of a sudden I thought "I've been with him 8 months but I don't really know him afterall, what has he got planned?"

I went to the windows to see if I could jump out but it was two floors down, to concrete. He could have come back with a knife or a gun or who knows what. Would it be for 2 minutes, 20, 2 hours? 2 days? I knew there were only males in the building and vicinity, would he bring them?

I was frightened, I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks and claustrophobia (he knows this). Not being able to jump, I went to the door and started kicking on it and yelling loudly. He came back and opened the door.

I confess I slapped him. Hard.

He said he'd gone to see if there was anyone sitting in my car (which to me seemed strange, why would he need to know I was actually alone?)

We calmed down and talked for a bit more and then I left.

The relationship is over, obviously. I am still shaken from having been locked in a room.

I am just curious, can I open a dava against him for having locked me in a room like that? I don't plan to, but I am curious if there is a law about things like that.

Old 03-05-2011, 23:53   #2


Dear Guest;u have rights to complain by writting your story to the general public prosecutor.It will be searched and will be decided if needed to present a case or not, according to the proofs..
Old 04-05-2011, 16:26   #4
Canavar Avukat


I assume that this has nothing to do with the lawsuit. I'd better recommend you to finalise the issue with an amicable settlement. The proceedings and consequences under these circumstances would have been worthless to deal with. Yes, you have the right to file a petition before proper authorities who is the prosecutor in charge of this matter.

Old 05-05-2011, 19:56   #5


Thanks for the answers. I asked just because it seemed serious, but also not serious because it did not last very long. As I said, I really was just curious about the laws.

In the aftermath. It turns out that when I hit him, I knocked his jaw out of alignment. Which he seemed to think he deserved. I offered to pay any doctor bills. He declined. He said he regretted not having embraced me when I arrived, which is what he had really wanted to do.

Like I said, he is a nice guy, just the circumstances got so strange so quickly.

Thank you very much. I am really very grateful that there is a forum like this available for legal questions and that even questions such as this are answered. You are wonderful.
Old 13-08-2011, 21:00   #6

Varsayılan The next chapter

Three months after that event.

He has told me he is still in love with me, I have said I do not want to be in a relationship with him, but being friends is okay. He said, "If I can't have you, then no one can. I am going to have you deported."

He claimed to have a video of me slapping him (he said the part with him locking me in the room had been cut). He said he was going to take it to the prosecutor with other counts such as disrupting a place of business, making the business owner lose a client. He said there were eight things.

The thing about the slapping is that after that he said it was funny, that he liked dominant women, and that it was not important.And he has continued to show interest in me. It's not like I went there and beat him up and then he decided three months later to sue me.

But now:

He said if he could not get me deported lawfully he would find "yasal olmayan yolları"

I talked him out of doing anything at that time, but I am worried that he might do something in the future. I am certain he has mental health issues. When he "locks in" to an idea he does not let it up.

I afraid to end the contact that we do have because I fear he will get upset and this "I will deport you by any means" threat will kick in.

How can I protect myself?
Old 21-08-2011, 23:48   #7


Yazan Konuk
Three months after that event.

He has told me he is still in love with me, I have said I do not want to be in a relationship with him, but being friends is okay. He said, "If I can't have you, then no one can. I am going to have you deported."

He claimed to have a video of me slapping him (he said the part with him locking me in the room had been cut). He said he was going to take it to the prosecutor with other counts such as disrupting a place of business, making the business owner lose a client. He said there were eight things.

The thing about the slapping is that after that he said it was funny, that he liked dominant women, and that it was not important.And he has continued to show interest in me. It's not like I went there and beat him up and then he decided three months later to sue me.

But now:

He said if he could not get me deported lawfully he would find "yasal olmayan yolları"

I talked him out of doing anything at that time, but I am worried that he might do something in the future. I am certain he has mental health issues. When he "locks in" to an idea he does not let it up.

I afraid to end the contact that we do have because I fear he will get upset and this "I will deport you by any means" threat will kick in.

How can I protect myself?

This things only speaking without any evidence. You could report him lf he threat you. For proove that you need to record the speaking or you should message from phone or internet site etc.

About locking case, he can not use it aganist you cause lt was self-defence, lf your sayings are true. lf he open a lawsuit for that you just need a good lawyer to defend you.

Also in a relationship, as l understood you were engaged cause in Turkish civil codes, lf two people want to marry and make plans and some steps for that, they just named like engaged. And after breaking engagement people have some rights in law. But your details not so much to completely understand all case.

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