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obtain an independent workıng permit in Turkey

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Old 27-12-2010, 17:05   #1

Varsayılan obtain an independent workıng permit in Turkey

I want to know the process to obtain an independent workıng permit. Are there any exceptions to the restrictive work permits given to EU citizens, spouses of Turkish Citizens, or parents of Turkish Citizens yet?
Also, why are instructions on this board written in Turkish when the mode of communication is intended to be in English?
Old 28-12-2010, 19:56   #2
Av.Sine Erkılıç


You need a very long and detailed explanation, but I will try to explain the main process briefly.

To obtain an independent working permit; at first you have to be staying in Turkey for 5 years legally and without an interruption. Additionally, your business project has to intend to bring positive effects on the national economy and employment.

If you have these requirements, an independent working permit application certificate will be delivered to you by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security for 3 months. İn this period, you have to float your company and present the related document to the Ministry to obtain the permit.

For EU citizens and spouses of Turkish citizens, minimum residence time is not a requirement.

Also, I'm not authorized to answer your second question.

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