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Conveyancing Costs

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Old 10-12-2003, 21:09   #1

Varsayılan Conveyancing Costs

Is any one able to give me an idea of conveyancing costs in Istanbul? In England this can now be done by an Estate Agent, but it used to be that only lawyers can do this. What is the position in Turkey? What factors contribute to the cost of conveyancing? Is there a standard fee or does it vary with time and complexity?
Many thanks
Old 15-12-2003, 20:21   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


Conveyancing costs consist of 3 items:
1)title and cadastral fees
2)stamp tax
3)Fee for educational services

Title fee is levied on a standard basis:It is %0 7,5 of the transfer value.However this figure cannot be below the estate tax base value.

You or your legal representative may make the due payments.

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