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cocugu yalniz birakmak

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Old 07-06-2007, 15:34   #1

Varsayılan cocugu yalniz birakmak

The Times London


Ingiliz basini bu hafta, kucuk MADDY nin kaybolsunu tartisiyor.
Olayda, portekizde tatil yapan genc cift 10 yasindaki evlat edindikleri kizlari MADDY yi tatil resortundaki odalarinda tek basina birakip , alt kattaki restoranda yemek yedikten sonra odalarina donduklerinde kizlarinin kayip oldugunu farketmislerdi

Peki ingiliz hukukuna gore cocuklarin tek baslarina birakilmasi sonucu kacirilmalari ya da herhangi bir suca maruz kalmalari sonucunda aileler sorumlu tutuluyor mu?

Iste birkac durum

Cocugu arabada yalniz birakmak

Mesela sizin 3 cocugunuzun oldugunu varsayalim, hepsi de 7 yasin altinda olsun. Ortalama yirmi dakika surecek bir alisveris icin arabanizi durdurdugunuzda hepsinin uyudugunu farkettiniz ve onlari uyandirmamak ve arabanin alarminindan da rahatsiz olmamak icin arabanin kapisini acik birakip supermarkete girdiniz

Bu durumda ingiliz hukukcularin gorusu

Bu durum hukuken acikca Children and young person act 1933 1, maddesine aykirilik teskil ediyor, bu maddeye gore 16 yasindan kucuk cocuklari ihmal veya terketmek ten tamamen anne babalari sorumlu. ki bu madde acikca bu olayi kapsiyor.

Fakat kanun maddesi bu konuda ne kadar ihmal veya terketmek olduguna acikliga kavusturmuyor. Bu tamamen olayin ozelliklerine bagli kilinmis. Fakat ceza para cezasindan 10 yillik hapis cezasina kadar uzaniyor

Her durumda, aileler cocugun olgunlugunu ve yasini dikkate almalari gerekir. Araba ile ilgili durumlarda ornegin cocuk kapiyi acip disariya cikabilir.

Eger arabanin kapisi kilitlenmisse, bu durumda cocuk belki guvende olabilir ancak, uyandiginda kapali yerde kalmak durumundan kaynakli cok yogun bir stress yasayabilir.

Teknik olarak, 16 yasindaki cocuk bu durumlarda hicbir sekilde yalniz birakilmamali. Belki 1-2 dakikalik zaman makul gorulebilir ancak 20 dakika kapisi acik arabada kesinlikle kanunun mazur gormedigi bir durum


Simdi dusunelim, siz tatil beldesinde esinizi alip tatil beldesinde yemege cikmayi dusunuyorsunuz , pencereleri demir parmaklikli ve kapisi kilitli odada 3 yasinda cocugunuzu birakarak ve her yarim saatte bir control etmek sartiyla

Ingiliz hukukcularin gorusu

Bu durumda, eger aile cocugun emniyetini tam olarak aldiklarindan eminlerse bu durum mazur gorulebilir


Eger, cocuklar uyanik ve cevrelerinde neler olup bittigini anlamaya calisan ve kapilari ve pencereleri acabilecek eriskinliktelerse, bu durum mazur gorulmez.

Cocuklar uyuyorlarsa ve kapilar ve pencereler kilitli ve anne baba duzenli olarak da onlari kontrol ediyorlarsa bu durumda bir sakinca yok gibi gorunuyor.

Fakat her ne durumda olursa olsun, cocuklari yalniz birakmak hicbir zaman pek tasvip edilecek birsey degil,.eslerin arzulari ve aile hayatlarindaki sorumluklari bakimindan bir denge bulmalari sart. Ornegin Portekizde yasanan olayda eminim kucuk MADDY nin anne ve babasi hicbir zaman kendilerini affetmeyecekler.

NEARLY every parent has left their child alone for a short time, whether in
the car, home alone or, as Madeleine McCann's parents did in Portugal, during a
meal at a resort restaurant. But what are the legal implications? Are we all
breaking the law? As the director of the Children's Legal Centre at the
University of Essex, Professor Carolyn Hamilton is an expert on child law. Here,
she offers advice on a variety of situations.
YOU have three children under seven who are all napping in the car when you
arrive at the supermarket. Rather than wake them up, you leave them asleep in
the car while you shop for 20 minutes. The doors are unlocked to avoid their
movements triggering the car alarm.
Professor Hamilton says: LEGALLY, it is an offence under Section One of the
Children and Young Persons Act 1933 to neglect or abandon a child under the age
of 16 for whom a parent or carer has responsibility, and this covers all the
scenarios here.
But the law gives no clarification as to what amounts to neglect or
abandonment. Prosecution would depend largely on the circumstances, but the
punishment for a conviction could be a fine or up to ten years' imprisonment.
In every case the parent needs to take into account the age and maturity of
the child. In a car, for instance, a child of seven might be able to release the
handbreak or get out of the car.
If the doors on the car were locked then the children might be safer; but
they could become distressed if they woke up and found they were trapped in an
enclosed space.
Technically, children under 16 shouldn't be left alone in these
circumstances. A few minutes left in a locked car might be acceptable -- for

instance at a corner shop or petrol station. Twenty minutes with the doors
undone is too long. I would not advise parents to leave a child under 16 alone
in these circumstances.
JILL PARKIN lives in East Sussex with her husband and children Rosie, 15,
Jack, 13, and Beth, 11.
WE LIVED in the country when my children were little and I often had to drive
to the bank or shop. Often I had three sleeping children in the back of the car,
all under the age of four. I could hardly go into the bank with a cross and
sleepy trio, so I would usually lock them in the car, which I'd park as close as
possible on the road outside. I'd worry if it was better to lock the car or not.
One friend with children always used to leave his car unlocked because he feared
there might be a fire and they wouldn't be able to get out.
If there was a queue in the bank, I kept nipping to the window to check,
asking someone to hold my place. I could well be in there for ten minutes.
During that time, my heart would be racing and I would be in a real panic. I
knew that life couldn't grind to a halt while I hung to my brood every second of
the day -- but I don't think my blood pressure has ever been so high.
I don't think we should assume that people who make different decisions from
us haven't thought about it very carefully, or that they wouldn't find one of
the risks we take unacceptable themselves. What would I do if I had small
children now? I'd do the same as I did back then.
YOUR children, aged ten and seven, have asked if they can play in a park ten
minutes away on a summer's evening. You're frantically preparing dinner and
agree - as long as they are home in 45 minutes at 5pm.
PROFESSOR Hamilton says: WHEN ten-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman
disappeared on a summer's evening in August 2002, there were no suggestions from
the public or media that they shouldn't have been wandering around alone. Their
parents deemed that they lived in a safe area with good community spirit and
that there were no immediate dangers to the girls' safety.
No one can make allowances for such tragic events and we can't wrap our
children in cotton wool or they would never learn how to take care of
There is no distinction in law between a child at home and a child going out
to play. In theory, both should be supervised or at least safety precautions
taken. Parents wouldn't be prosecuted if their children came to harm outdoors
unless it was deemed they hadn't taken care of their safety or well-being. If a
three-year-old was allowed to wander the streets alone, that would be
unacceptable and a different matter in the eyes of the law. If your children
want to go off and play close by, make sure you know exactly where they are
going and who they will be with, then give them a time by which they must be
home. It's not advisable to let children any younger than ten go to parks on
their own where there are swings, slides and other equipment that could do them

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