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What Can Women Do

Old 18-03-2002, 04:45   #1

Soru What Can Women Do

a friend of mine is in turkey right now, she went to pick her daughter up and said that when she got there her ex-husband would not let her leave with the child. It was told to me that that women and children do not have any rights in turkey and that if he did not want her leave turkey that she could not take the child and leave. How true is that?
Old 18-03-2002, 10:59   #2


This is not true.. Women in Turkey have the same rights as men. This is neither an Arabic country, nor Afghanistan!

What you heard may be that: If parents are married, then their written permission are needed before a child gets a passport. This rules does not only apply to women but also men. So a father cant take his child and leave the country unless he gets a written permission from the mother as well.

If the couple is divorced, same rule may apply. When they're divorced custody should be granted to ONE of the parents by court. However the other one is very likely to have a right to see his/her child in times the court has decreed. Say the custody is given to the mother and father is granted a right to see his child in every sunday. Can it be acceptable for mother to take the child and leave the coutry? How will the father see his child then? If the custody belongs to the father, then of course it would not be possible for mother to take the child aboard either.

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