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Questions on Turkish legal system

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Old 30-01-2002, 16:49   #1
Emmy Henson

Varsayılan Questions on Turkish legal system

Writing a paper for International Business Law class. Need to know:
1. How to become a lawyer in Turkey
2. What kind of legal system does Turkey have?
3. What kind of court system does Turkey have?
4. What role does the lawyer play in a court case?
Thank you very much for your help. Your site is interesting.
Old 30-01-2002, 16:50   #2



You have to graduate from a Turkish Law school (4 year education), then
complete your 1 year internship related to a Bar and then when you are
accepted by the Bar, you became a lawyer. However a very recent
change require achievement in an exam right after your internship. This is
a very recent change and this exam have not been implemented yet.

I believe you ll find most of the answers to your other questions in the
last 3 messages just below yours in this board. Please check them out
and ask away if you have further questions. (By the way we appreciate
more details: For example what do you mean by "what kind of" legal or
court system we have. What are the options?

Old 08-10-2003, 18:00   #3


I am currently doing some research into Animal Welfare and Protection legislation around the world, including Turkey.

Please can anyone tell me whether there are any Turkish Laws that relate to animal welfare and animal protectoin? I also need to know whether there are any proposed amendments to the legislation being tables or whether any new animal welfare bills have been proposed. Also, if there is specifice animal welfare/protection legislation, is it effectively enforced?

Thanks in advance for your help.

With kind regards
Old 18-12-2004, 02:45   #4


Animal Protection Law / No. 5199
Animal Betterment Law / No.4361
Animal Health and Police Law / No.3285
Land Hunting Law /No.4915
Sea Products Law / No.1380
Old 08-01-2005, 10:42   #5


am maried to Turkish man, he was married before, has 2 children 20 and 21 years old he has paid for the 21year old (female) to go to university, she finishes this year, for the past year the 20year old son has been trying through the courts to make my husband (or me) pay for his university education, my husband has never worked so therfore has been unable to pay and the courts told his son to find work, instead he repeated college this year, we have to go to court again next month.
My bigest problem is we have started a small buisness 51% to my husband 49% to me (unknown to me at the time) we have also bought a new minibus to transport our customers this is in my husbands name, can any of these assets be taken to pay for the sons university?? there is no money from the company as yet
what do you advise please, I feel I will lose everything.
Old 11-01-2005, 17:23   #6


Turkish Legal system is Continental- European Law system, so the basis of the system is Roman Law.

One thing to be clarified is that het university education differs from that of many other countries like US. People go to university after 3 (or 4) years of high education. As you may know in US people go to uni. after college.

The king of the court is the judge. He/she gives the verdict. There is no jury in our system. Attorney's may do their submissions orally but the process heavily depends on the written procedure. lawyers can not not examine the witness or the accused directly. Such an option is provided under the Penal Code, but the questions are addressed via judge ( Recent amendtments in the penal code may have brought some change on that issue).

The exam at the end of the internship period is the same of that in America. During the internship period a lawyer has to spend six months in the court (attending to the hearings, do file studies) and six months with an attorney who has five years of experience.

Hope this helps some,
Old 11-01-2005, 17:35   #7


Turkish Legal system is Continental- European Law system, so the basis of the system is Roman Law.

One thing to be clarified is that het university education differs from that of many other countries like US. People go to university after 3 (or 4) years of high education. As you may know in US people go to uni. after college.

The king of the court is the judge. He/she gives the verdict. There is no jury in our system. Attorney's may do their submissions orally but the process heavily depends on the written procedure. lawyers can not not examine the witness or the accused directly. Such an option is provided under the Penal Code, but the questions are addressed via judge ( Recent amendtments in the penal code may have brought some change on that issue).

The exam at the end of the internship period is the same of that in America. During the internship period a lawyer has to spend six months in the court (attending to the hearings, do file studies) and six months with an attorney who has five years of experience.

Hope this helps some,
Old 19-01-2010, 21:01   #8


we have a mini van (can hold 12 people) - we were driving our neighbors to school with our 3 girls - we were told we can not take our neighborhood kids to school in it anymore- that it's illegal and we would be fined - none of the kids pay us - we do it out of kindness and love for our neighbors- does anyone know anything about this law - we're told it's kind of new

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