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Tapu iptali ve tescil

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Old 20-07-2008, 20:21   #1

Varsayılan Tapu iptali ve tescil

I would like to ask you some advice on a property question . In april 1999 i bought 2352 square meters land ( tarla ) within the local goverment bounderies and within an imar plan and got a deed ( tapu ) . In 2004 i changed this into 2 pieces land (arsa ), one 1001 meters and one 1047 meters , gave about 300 meters to turkish state for a road to get building permission . During this procedure local goverment counsel , kadastro , deed office looked at it and aproved it . Every year i paid my local tax on my property . So far so good . I though with official deeds from turkish goverment i would be safe and did not expect any problems .

Last year 2007 the forest department ( orman müdürlüğü ) started a court case against me saying it belongs to the forest department . Last tuesday 15 july the local court in Gazipasa ( asliye hukuk mahkeme ) ruled the biggest part belongs to forest department , they leave me about 150 meters of land . I do not have the verdict in paper yet , and know in will have 15 days to go to high court in Ankara ( Yargıtay ) after i received it .

What do you think about this situation ? Does this mean a turkish deed given and aproved by several offıcial tukish goverment instututions is worthless ? They take my legal owned property without any compensation . I loved Turkey and am very aware of the other not to well known side of living in Turkey by many foreigners , but this is realy a story a la Kafka .

Please can you give me your oppinion and an advice about a good lawyer , specialisted on this kind of property law .

Excuse me for my english if i made to many mistakes , hope you understand and i am always willing to give more information on details .

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