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Old 13-01-2005, 16:26   #1

Varsayılan Pgd

I need help, I did write before but have had no reply. could be the language for sending changes to Turkish, and is very hard to follow.
my question is can my Husbands children from a previouse marriage (ages 20 & 21) claim any of our (mainly mine) assets to pay for university fees. the 21year old is about to finish university all of this was paid by my husband, and the 20 year old has been to court three times and so far we paid untill he was 18 but he now wants money to attend university,
My husband is not employed and has not worked for 1½years, we recently registered a buisiness ready for the summer season and have bought a second hand minibus to transport our customers.
Should the Judgement be in favour of the son can he take any of our assets ie the car, we have no money and only my retirement money from the UK.
thanking you in anticipation
Old 13-01-2005, 16:59   #2


Dou you live in Britian or Turkey.It is not very clear to me your legal problem
Old 14-01-2005, 05:35   #3


sorry we live in Turkey, Basicly my husbands son is trying, through the courts to get money from us to attend university, we have been three times to court and so far he has been told he has to work however, he is repeating college, his sister finishes university this year and he will be due to start, my husband and my father in-law have paid for the daughters university and I am sure the son thinks that his sisters was paid so he can now have his paid, they are due in court next month, my husband does not work but, we have a furnished house and just bought a minibus for a small buisness we are starting, can the son make us sell any of our assets to force us to pay for him to attend university?. his mother is working has a good wage and has no other resposibilities, the house is hers so she has no rental to pay it was given to her in the divorce settlement.
sorry to ramble on but I feel I can lose everything I have worked all my life for to a boy who doesn't even speak to either me or his father
thanking you
Old 17-01-2005, 04:54   #4


As far as the Turkish law is concerned your husband is obligated to support his children "attending university". The normal case is " up until majority" which is 18 years of age. Yet the children attending university ("continuing education") is an exception as many court cases suggest.

You note that your husband ("and father-in law?" I could not follow the line here) is not working. Then courts will consider his assets. If no assets then it is quite unlikely that the children could obtain something.

You point out that you own a small business so it is probable that courts will consider it. It does not necessarily mean that your husband should pay all the university fees. The law states that the nature of support is "contributory" depending on the "circumstances" including their mother's condition.

Old 17-01-2005, 05:04   #5
Dr.Öykü Didem Aydın


Sorry I just replied under Konuk accidentally at 04:54 just wanted to repeat here as member that as far as the Turkish law is concerned your husband is obligated to support his children "attending university". The normal case is " up until majority" which is 18 years of age. Yet the children attending university ("continuing education") is an exception as many court cases suggest.

You note that your husband ("and father-in law?" I could not follow the line here) is not working. Then courts will consider his assets. If no assets then it is quite unlikely that the children could obtain something.

You point out that you own a small business so it is probable that courts will consider it. It does not necessarily mean that your husband should pay all the university fees. The law states that the nature of support is "contributory" depending on the "circumstances" including their mother's condition.

Furthermore, court would need to consider the mother's condition.
Old 17-01-2005, 13:04   #6


many thanks for your prompt reply

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