Mesajı Okuyun
Old 02-08-2007, 14:13   #1

Soru Civil Data Registration and Financial Reporting

Dear all,

I am working as a research assistant for a company called the Global Trust Center, situated in Sweden, Malmö. We work with issues regarding the protection of the individual from a digital world perspective. I have been assigned to look at Turkish legislation regarding Civil Data Protection and Financial reporting in Turkey. I came across this forum by searching on Google and would appriciate it if anyone could answer a few questions regarding Turkish legislation that governs Financial reporting (annual accounts, who has to sign the report, which public authority recieves and supervises the annual accounts from Turkish Enterprises). And which Act governs the registration of births and deaths. Is there a national Id number in Turkey, if so, which authority issues and handles this?

To save time, and if possible, any directions to these Acts in English is greatly appreciated, and I can then take if from there.

Best Regards
Fredric Skargren
Research Assistant
Global Trust Center Development
P O Box 298, 201 22 Malmö