Mesajı Okuyun
Old 02-01-2012, 10:25   #1

Varsayılan Email/password hacking

On New Years Eve at about 11:40 I was texting a friend who is a software developer. We used to be involved so while I was at a boring dinner with colleagues he was imagining that I was at a wild foreigner party dancing with unknown men...near midnight (I later read): "call me or you'll regret it." I didn't see it until I went home.

The next morning I woke up to find myself locked out of Facebook, and four of my gmil accounts. Two of them are used exclusively for my work and are connected to a critical blog. I called him and asked him to give me my accounts back (I forgot to mention that in high school he was a hard core hacker), he insisited it was not him.

I spent all day trying to get my passwords back. Towards evening I said, "Look at my logic, at 11:45 you threatened me and within a half hour all of these accounts were you see my logic? Is my logic solid?"

Finally he admitted he had done it-- but then he said he had read old emails on one of the non-work email accounts, one I have not touched in over a year-- and there were letters to a man...

So not only did he hack my accounts, but he read through them looking for signs of my evilness.

So, what are the Turkish laws and punshments for concerning:

1. hacking into multiple accounts
2. damaging a work place (all of my work occurs through my two main accounts) and my income (ekmek parası)
3. Reading personal letters without permission-- hacking to get them.

And to whoom do I make my complaint? He lives withinn blocks of an Emniyet Müdürü.
