Mesajı Okuyun
Old 21-03-2017, 16:51   #16
Av. Muhammed Kuş


Yazan Konuk
hello im an iranian girl im going to marry to an english man in turkey we have met about 3years ago on net and in 2 or 4 months we r going to mett in turkey and marry what will we need imean documents? and how long does it take
Documents necessary to be married in Turkey:

1. Marriage petition (Evlenme Beyannamesi).

2. Certificate/Affidavit of Eligibility to Marry (Evlenme Ehliyet Belgesi): either a marriage license from your own country, or a statement from your country's consulate or embassy in Turkey that you meet your country's requirements to be married.

3. Personal identification (passport, identification card, birth certificate or health certificate, as required by the authorities).

4. Photographs of the bride and groom (five or six copies of each) for the official records.

5. health certificate

I hope you got married.

Best wishes