Mesajı Okuyun
Old 30-01-2002, 16:32   #5
Mr. Reyna


You may have already found the answer of your questions,however, I
would like to clarify couple of issues. First of all, we do not have the
Turkish equivalent of the American Statute of Frauds under Turkish Laws,
since judiciary systems are quite different in Turkey and USA. In Turkey,
we have Civil Law system, where codes make the law, whereas in USA,
you have Common Law system, where the legislations are made by the
court precedents. That is why, you may not be able to find exactly what
you are looking for. In general term of fraud is set forth mainly under
Turkish Criminal Law.

Answering your second question; there are some special contracts, which
are required to be written. Those contracts are set forth under Turkish
Code of Obligations. For instance, suretyship contracts will not be binding
and valid unless they are made in writing.

I trust the abovementioned information to be helpfull.