Mesajı Okuyun
Old 02-09-2007, 13:22   #29


Unless the blogs are violating the rules, terms of service, or violating any laws I don’t see why the blogs should be removed.
I admit, I don’t understand the situation other than the lawyers for some writer seems to think his/her client is being slandered in some way. Basically, they don’t like what they’re reading, so they don’t think it should be on the internet.
I guess Turkey doesn’t have the same sense of freedom of speech that we have…

sanirim bu siradan amerikali ogrencinin konu ile ilgili yazdigi paragraf, turkiyenin imajini ozetlemeye yeter...bu tur uygulamalar sorunu cozmuyor, lutfen bu ayibi ortadan kaldiralim hukuk sistemimizden...