Mesajı Okuyun
Old 16-02-2012, 07:27   #78



Your soul seems poetic
No one I am, but prosaic

Oh the dispeller of my grief
You are I found the lost belief

Who does not will to be melt in the sea eyed
Being a companion in a countryside

You are flowing all the way down
Whereas I have only eyes of brown

Be aware you are surrounded with royalty
I am left with none but loyalty

You are the knight of nights
I am only called as infinite light

To me, you are a thunder
Suddenly shines in a rainy Aviva

Oh the love of pilgrimage
See me, solely destined to pupillage

Valentines are lovers to each
I am a valentine of universe in all siege

All her life was to sniffle in tears
Thought, time will never pass over years

Like each subject she was shallow as deemed
No more than shadow of the Light indeed

I was hereby not deep
Pushed to the depth with creep

Here is the summary of you and me
Not escaping from reality

Bearing in mind purely
We are to God nothing but refugee.

Feb 16, 2012
Raynes Park

Not: Butun siirler veya siirimsiler kaleme alan tarafindan her zaman baska bir dile tercume edilemeyebilir. Bu siir de onlardan biridir. Cunku mesele literatur isi degil, mesele literatur ustu, tabir-i digerle hissedilen kelimelerin ruhunun kalbe yansimasi ve kaleme hapsedilmesidir.Bu sebeple siirle istigal edenlerin cogunun siirleri diger lisanlara baskalari tarafindan cevirilir. Ama dileyen olursa siirin Turkceye cevrilmis halini zevkle okumak isterim.