Konu: My Thread
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Old 20-03-2002, 16:26   #1

Yeni Fikir My Thread

See? Original message is completely different than the news message.. No wonder it's this message you have read in the news page.. But with hidden [ summary ] tag, text in the news message and thread message is different.. [news]Your news message can be different than your thread message![/news][summary]This is the demostration of my favorite feature: [ summary ] tag.

This message you read is completely different than the message in the original thread. Go [linkme]check it[/linkme] yourself..

How can you use this feature: For example while you reply a member in a hot thread, write your reply as usual and in the same message use hidden [ summary ]We are discussing X here! Come join us![ summary ] tag. Then only this message will be dragged to your main page as news, but thread viewers will see your original reply to your member [/summary]