Mesajı Okuyun
Old 21-05-2010, 16:55   #67


ARTICLE 97 - Abandonment
1) Any person, holding the duty of protection or observation of an individual who cannot care for himself (on account of age or illness), who abandons that individual so that they are alone, shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of three months to two years.
2) If the victim suffers and illness, injury or death due to the abandonment, the penalty shall be imposed according to the provisions relating to an aggravated injury on account of its consequences.

ARTICLE 98 - Failure in the Duty of Assistance or Notification
1) Any person who fails to assist, taking into account his position and circumstances, an individual who is incapable of caring for themselves on account of age, illness, injury or any other reason, or immediately notify the relevant authority of the circumstances of such individual, shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to one year, or a judicial fine.
2) Where an individual dies due to the failure of a person to perform in his duty to assist or to notify, a penalty of imprisonment for a term of one to three years shall be imposed.