Mesajı Okuyun
Old 08-05-2008, 01:08   #122


sayin gemici size su haberleride hatirlatmak isterim

Londra da gecen yilki suc orani ve bir onceki yila gore dustu ve suclularin yakalanma oranlari artti... bunda CCTV nin oldugu kadar polisteki DNA bankasinin, ve polis uyguladigi yeni sistemlerin ornegin part-time yerel polislik uygulamasinin katkisi buyuk...

burada gecen ayki financial times in yaptigi bir haberden alinti yapmak isterim.. bu haberin basligi suc orani konusunda neden Londra, newyork tan daha basarili

"There are very few offences committed that are in direct view of CCTV cameras - a handful," says Andy Murphy, the acting head of the Metropolitan Police Service's homicide and serious crime command. "At times, it will be not so much about capturing the offence on camera but proving or disproving the account of a witness or suspect."

CCTV is just one factor boosting London's detection rates. Older methods such as fingerprinting are now combined with newer techniques such as DNA testing and the use of computer databases to trawl and sift myriad pieces of information.

There is a further important contributor to high detection rates: resources. With a GBP78m annual budget, the Met spends more on solving murder and manslaughter cases than the entire budgets of some British police forces. Mr Murphy's division employs some 1,200 staff, not including the forensics experts who help them.
