Mesajı Okuyun
Old 14-07-2006, 18:23   #7
Ahmet Sirvan


Dear Carol, I really sorry that I forgot to trace your reply over mine. I must inform you that according to the PROHIBITION OF PUBLICITY REGULATIONS OF THE UNION OF BAR ASSOCIATIONS OF TURKEY, Article 2:

"Those -namely, Attorneys at Law- covered by these Regulations are under the obligation to refrain from all kinds of undertakings and activities intended solely to gain reputation, not to be engaged in any undertakings and activities that could be interpreted as publicity to offer their services, not to allow such activities and conduct of third parties that could be interpreted as publicity, and to take the necessary precautions in order to prevent such conduct."

Therefore, I cannot offer you my services since it may amount to breach of the regulation above. However, you can find the details of all attorneys in Turkiye at the website of the Union of Bar Associations of Turkiye ( If you know an attorney who might be advised to you, you can find him/her by using 'Attorney Search' at the website. The English pages are still under construction; so, find the "Avukat Arama" title at the top right of the main page. In the new window, you will see search criterions that are search by his/her Bar (Barosu -the name of the city-), by name (Adi) , by surname (Soyadi) or by registration number (Sicil No)... Fill one of them and search (Ara).

You can also follow the same procedure at the website of Istanbul Bar ( Find the "Baro Levhasi", choose your criterion (Kriter Seciniz) that may be by his/her name (adina gore), surname (soyadina gore), registration number (sicil numarasina gore); fill in the blank (Aranacak Kelime) at below with name/surname or reg number and click on "Ara".

Each Bar of Turkiye should have an attorney search engine at their websites. You could do the same things at other websites.

I hope this method helps you and puts everyting in a right way.


Ahmet Şirvan KILIÇ
Attorney at Law
Istanbul Bar